We have created an electronic submission process for CPT applications that will allow our office to process each CPT application in a timely manner. We have designated two Assistant International Student/Scholar Advisors to review and process applications.

NOTE: CPT can only be approved based on the student's major field of study verified in DukeHub. Undergraduate students CAN NOT declare their major field of study until the end of their Sophomore year, therefore undergraduate students WILL NOT be eligible to apply for Curricular Practical Training until the end of their Sophomore year.

To begin your application for CPT, please click here and choose “Log in with Campus ID.” You will be directed to log in with your Duke NetID and password on the next page. Then, choose the term which you would like to apply and begin your application. Please read all instructions carefully and complete all steps of the application.

Providing incomplete applications will only delay the CPT review process.

If all of the required sections of the application are correct, you will receive an email notification to pick up your CPT approval and a new Form I-20 within 10 business days. Please bring your ID when you pick up the CPT approval and I-20.

If you have questions regarding the application process, please email:

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