Accountant (baccalaureate degree, C.PA, c.A., C.GA, or C.M.A.)
Engineer (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
- Agriculturist, including agronomist (baccalaureate degree)
- Animal Breeder (baccalaureate degree)
- Animal Scientist (baccalaureate degree)
- Apicu Itu rist (baccalaureate degree)
- Astronomer (baccalaureate degree)
- Biochemist (baccalaureate degree)
- Biologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Chemist (baccalaureate degree)
- Dairy Scientist (baccalaureate degree)
- Entomologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Epidemiologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Geneticist (baccalaureate degree)
- Geochemist (baccalaureate degree)
- Geologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Geophysicist, including Oceanographer in Mexico or U.S. (baccalaureate degree)
- Horticulturist (baccalaureate degree)
- Meteorologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Pharmacologist (baccalaureate degree)
- Physicist, including Oceanographer in Canada (baccalaureate degree)
- Plant Breeder (baccalaureate degree)
- Poultry Science (baccalaureate degree)
- Soil Scientist (baccalaureate degree)
- Zoologist (baccalaureate degree)
Research Assistant (working in a post-secondary educational institution)--baccalaureate degree
Medical/Allied Professional
- Physician, teaching and/or research only (M.D. or state/provincial license)
- Dentist (D.D.S., D.M.D., or state/provincial license)
- Occupational Therapist (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
- Pharmacist (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
- Physio/Physical Therapist (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
- Recreational Therapist (baccalaureate degree)
- Registered Nurse (state or provincial license)
- Veterinarian (D.V.M., D.M.V., or state/provincial license)
- Medical Technologist (baccalaureate degree of post-secondary diploma and three years experience--must be seeking entry to perform chemical, biological, hematological, immunologic, microscopic, and bacteriological tests, procedures, experiments, and analysis in laboratories for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease)
Architect (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
Lawyer (L.L.B., J.D., L.L.L., B.C.L., or Licencuature degree (five years) or membership in a state/provincial bar)
- College (baccalaureate degree)
- University (baccalaureate degree)
- Seminary (baccalaureate degree)
Technical Publications Writer (baccalaureate degree or post secondary diploma and three years experience)
- Urban Planner (baccalaureate degree)
- Vocational Counselor (baccalaureate degree)
Economist (baccalaureate degree)
Social Worker (baccalaureate degree)
Mathematician (baccalaureate degree)
Hotel Manager (baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma and three years experience)
Industrial Designer (baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma and three years experience)
Interior Designer (baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma and three years experience)
Librarian (M.L.S. or B.L.S.,for which another baccalaureate degree was a prerequisite)
Animal Breeder (baccalaureate degree)
Sylviculturist, including forestry specialist (baccalaureate degree)
Range Manager, range conservationist (baccalaureate degree)
Forester (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
Graphic Designer (baccalaureate degree or post-secondary diploma and three years experience
Land Surveyor (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial/federal license)
Landscape Architect (baccalaureate degree)
Nutritionist (baccalaureate degree)
Dietician (baccalaureate degree or state/provincial license)
Computer Systems Analyst (baccalaureate degree, or post-secondary diploma and three years experience)
Psychologist (state/provincial license)
Scientific Technician/Technologist
- Must work in direct support of professionals in the following disciplines:
- Chemistry
- Engineering
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Meteorology
- Physics
- Astronomy
- Agricultural sciences
- Biology
- Forestry
- Must possess theoretical knowledge of the discipline.
- Must solve practical problems in the discipline.
- Must apply principles of the discipline to basic or applied research.
Disaster Relief Insurance Claims Adjuster (baccalaureate degree or 3 years experience in the field of claims adjustment, admissible only when a disaster has been declared)
Management Consultant (baccalaureate degree or 5 years experience in consulting or related field)