U.S. law requires all aliens to report their physical home addresses (not an office address or a post office box) to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) within 10 days of any move. How you report depends on your visa classification in the U.S.

This web form should help you determine how you should report your address and will make it easier for you to do so. See below, "Tips for Filing the AR-11 and Other Address Reporting Reminders" for information on the effect of this address report.

In the list below, find your circumstance and report accordingly.

Important Note: If you are a person who has undergone "Special Registration" you should follow the instructions received as part of that registration.

Your CircumstanceYour Responsibility

I am:

  • In F or J student status.
  • Enrolled full-time.
  • Duke issued my I-20 or DS-2019.
  • In Duke campus housing.
  • The Duke Housing Office has my address.
If all five points are true, then Duke will report your address through SEVIS.

I am:

  • in F or J student status.
  • enrolled full-time.
  • Duke issued my I-20 or DS-2019.
  • Living off campus.

If all four points are true, then visit Duke's Office of the University Registrar webpage. Also, please see the additional instructions on our Local Residence Address webpage.

  1. Go to the DukeHub and enter your ID and PASSWORD.
  2. Update your "Local Residence" address. Please see our instructions on adding a "Local Address".
  3. Duke will report your address through SEVIS.
  4. You do not need to file the Form AR-11.

I am:

  • In F or J status.
  • Not an enrolled full-time student.
  • Duke issued my I-20 or DS-2019.

Examples: J-1 researcher or professor, or F-1 post-completion OPT. If all three points are true, then complete our Address Update Form to notify us of your new address and personal information.

J-1 Alien Physicians (ECFMG) should report their Address to Duke by using our Address Update Form. You must also report your addresses directly to ECFMG.

Duke will report your address through SEVIS.

You do not need to file the Form AR-11.

I am:

  • In F or J status.
  • Duke did not issue my I-20 or DS-2019.

Duke cannot report your address to DHS for you.

You must contact the school or program that issued your document for instructions on address reporting. You are responsible for making timely address reports to that school or program and for maintaining the required J insurance as instructed by that program, as applicable.

Complete our Address Update Form to notify us of your new address and personal information.

I am:

  • Not in F or J status.
  • Not a citizen of the United States.

You must file a Form AR-11 with DHS.

Complete our Address Update Form to notify us of your new address and personal information.

Remember that if you are in "Special Registration" you must follow the instructions you received from DHS in connection with that registration.

Tips for Filing the AR-11 and Other Address Reporting Reminders

Form AR-ll is available on line at https://www.uscis.gov/ar-11. Scroll down to AR-11, Alien's Change of Address Card.

You must complete and mail the form yourself. Duke cannot mail it for you. Each adult in the family must file a separate form. Parents must file a form for each child. It is OK to put all of the forms for your family into one envelope and mail them together.

To have evidence of proper filing, use Certified Mail with Return Receipt Requested, Priority Mail, Express Mail, or some other delivery tracking or confirmation method. Be sure to follow the mailing instructions on the DHS web site. For information on United States Postal Service (USPS) mailing options, visit the USPS website. Click on “Track and Confirm” to learn about ways to confirm delivery.

Complete our Address Update Form to notify us of your new address and personal information. We will report your employment information directly to SEVIS.

Important Note: Reporting your address using the Form AR-11 and/or this on-line Address Report Form only meets your reporting obligation. It does not change your address on any forms already filed with DHS or with Visa Services. For your convenience, both DHS and Visa Services allow you to have things mailed to an address that is different from your physical residence address. If you want your address changed for a specific document, you must request a change for that particular document through a different process.

If you are a student on a non-immigrant U.S. visa, please see the additional instructions on our Local Residence Address webpage.

Update Employer Address Instructions

During the OPT period, F-1 students are required to report to the Duke Visa Services their employment start date, employer name, and exact address of where they will work (not a post office box). Students must subsequently report any change of employer name or address. Students also must report any interruption of employment.

Complete our Address Update Form to notify us of your new address and personal information. We will report your employment information directly to SEVIS.

Other Helpful Information